W the movie.
  • PheylanPheylan October 2008
    I'm sure everyone has seen the previews of this film by now. I haven't seen it, actually not sure if its out yet. I guess the entire concept of a full length feature film about our current President kind of annoys me when it's not a historical film as much as a satire. I'm not against political satire, I enjoy it as much as the next person. But to me this film goes a little far, and the fact that it comes out right at the peak of election time just adds to it. I realize we have the Freedom of Speech, which is a great thing. But to me, just because you have the ability to say something, doesn't mean you should. I know people have differing views on President Bush. He's not the best President we've ever had, he's also not the worst.

    I've always been taught that even though you might not respect the current president, you should at least respect the office. W seems to throw that concept out on its ass.

    Has anyone seen it yet? Thoughts?
  • GovernorGovernor October 2008
    I don't agree with your analysis of the movie at all. Personally, I think the President of the United States should be the most lampooned individual in the country. I also do not think the President deserves any more respect than anyone else. And finally, I don't think the movie disrespects the office at all -- it's not even a movie about the office of the president, it's a movie about a specific president.

    I will not, however, see the movie because I think Oliver Stone is an awful writer and director who couldn't produce a good movie if the hand of god was guiding him.
  • NunesNunes October 2008
    Yeah. I'm inclined to say (of course right?) that this is a really smart move on Stone's part. People are engaged in politics and will therefore see a political satire movie. I agree with court thought that the man has a terrible sense of humor and therefore this movie will probably suck.

    It doesn't even REALLY need to be satire. Just put a bit of satirical back story to real events and you've got a hit. This whole presidency has been one big boondongle. And frankly I think Bush would've been a fine president had he not been faced with 9/11 and the ensuing nonsense.

    He wasn't smart enough to do it.
    /I'd still like to have a beer with the man.
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