SNL Palin Wahlberg
  • jimmah7jimmah7 October 2008
    So what did you guys think of Palin, but more importantly Wahlberg on SNL last night?

    Wahlberg's retort to last weeks impression of him was H-I-L-A-R-I-O-U-S

    As for Palin she did alright considering her job was to show up, stand next to Tina Fey briefly, and then pretend to dance on weekend update
  • GovernorGovernor October 2008
    I enjoyed the skits; I especially enjoyed the weekend update or whatever that particular skit is called.

    I was actually kind of ticked off when I read a bunch of comments on Huffington Post in reply to the skit, though. Every other post was some idiot bitching that SNL shouldn't have had her on, or that the McCain campaign was stupid for having her on, or that she ruined SNL 4EVA! Christ. The skits were, like most SNL skits, mildly entertaining. And, also like every SNL skit about a guest star, mocking reality (in this case, the criticisms of Palin). What the fuck is the big deal?

    After reading the comments, I was mostly just ticked off at myself for going to Huffington Post to watch the clips (they were linked on the Huffington Post news aggregator -- aka digg), but today I spotted this retort by none other than Alec Baldwin:

    That made me smile.
  • jimmah7jimmah7 October 2008
    that was quite the eloquent response to all the flamers.
  • JeddHamptonJeddHampton October 2008
    Say "hello" to your mother for me.
  • NunesNunes October 2008
    Your problem wasn't going to huffpo. It was reading the comments. If you aren't doing it for anything other then the lulz, you would be better off wading into a pool of leeches. You'd be less annoyed when you stepped out at least. Even I hate the bottoms of those pages... They really didn't do anything with Sarah Palin as far as guest star responsibilities are concerned. But as far as what she did is concerned, she was pretty funny. I think Wahlberg just restored my faith in MAX PAYNE, and Alec Baldwin got to say what everyone was thinking. Pretty standard fare for SNL if y'ask me.

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