Thanksgiving dinner
  • scrubblescrubble November 2007
    i can't believe there are no threads on one of the greatest days of the year.

    so, what is your favorite food on thanksgiving? i personally love stuffing and can't get enough of it.
  • GovernorGovernor November 2007
    I second the stuffing notion. I usually attend my Uncle's Thanksgiving dinner, and he makes the best southwestern style stuffing ever.
  • Australian+WitchAustralian Witch November 2007
    Stuffing is probably my most favorite part of thanksgiving. And the left-overs sandwiches for lunch the next day image/happy.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid="^_^" border="0" alt="happy.gif" />
  • scrubblescrubble November 2007
    what is exactly in southwestern style stuffing?
  • GovernorGovernor November 2007
    I'll grab his recipe sometime. I know it has crushed fresh peppers and a variety of spices like cayenne pepper. He also uses cornbread instead of traditional white.
  • scrubblescrubble November 2007
    that sounds delicious.
  • ChillsonChillson November 2007
  • carto0ncarto0n November 2007
  • Retr0%5ERetr0^ November 2007
    everybody loves stuffing, its like large black women, for some reason... no one really knows why... but everyone loves em!

    Pumpkin pie with a dollop of whipped cream. Dark meat turkey. That Green bean casserole with french onion crisps that for some reason everyone in the effing world has for thanksgiving. the list goes on.
  • PheylanPheylan November 2007
    Yah, stuffing, with gravy.
  • PotatoPotato November 2007
    the turkey and the mashed me.
  • AlfyAlfy November 2007
    Mashed potatoes and corn.

    It is the shit.
  • jimmah7jimmah7 November 2007
    I love stuffing too, but also I love canned cranberry sauce. so delicious
  • jkarate212jkarate212 November 2007
    Potatoes and white meat turkey with cranberry sauce on the side. Yum
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