Where do you...
  • play 1.6 these days?

    And anyone playing diablo2 on useast? I'll play.
  • GovernorGovernor June 2011
    Holy shit.
  • Off topic... someone ban that kid
  • ErlingErling June 2011
    i oddly enough just installed diablo2 and played a bit on useast sunday ha
  • /f a GdayTaday
    /f a GdayTuday
  • dandan June 2011
    People still play 1.6?

  • I don't know....that's what I'm asking.
  • GmnotutooGmnotutoo June 2011
    Hi cutie! Hit your brother in the arm for me and tell him its from weed. :D
  • redboneredbone June 2011
    I've been playing a wee bit of source the past week, but no 1.6
  • AlfyAlfy June 2011
    I'd be down for some 1.6 or source whenever. I am worse than I was before, which means I am about as good as Hellen Keller would be. Maybe worse.
  • Do it up...just got my bro(not chris/rhyno)'s old computer...which is 45000x better than my old one. So downloading CS and CSS now...ready to go!
  • woerwoer July 2011
    If you're into DM servers and are east or central, and The first has, in general, better caliber players, while the latter has more people and almost never empty (also I have admin so hit me up if someone's cheating or try /voteban).

    Otherwise, for east coast servers at least, there is only ESEA and Spanish-speaking pugs. (For some reason a company is marketing servers in VA to Central America). I can get you those, but you'll get banned the first headshot you make anyway.

    Hit me up if you want to play on Steam or FB. I started up again a year ago and passed 1200 hours ing-game time since then, so it's safe to say I'm addicted again.
  • SeaNMaKSeaNMaK July 2011
    What up!
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