Hey Lovelys.
  • BackseatBackseat December 2007
    Hey everyone, just stopped by because it's so close to christmas.
    Yea, I don't really know what happened to FD or w/e... I have not been around since the beginning of July.
    If any of you guys are still playing CS just send me a message on forums, I hardly ever use steam =/. However, you can reach me on xbox live, I play lots of halo 3, my gamertag is James292.
    And on the note of christmas and such, have a good one! Every should be getting a good deal smashed this holiday season!


  • PotatoPotato December 2007
    who the fuck is this guy?
  • PheylanPheylan December 2007
    Some guy we banned at least....8 times.
  • 0%3Duid%28root%290=uid(root) December 2007
    backseat driver loves cupcakes.

    zpamm is his cousin. [ahhh that explains it]

    have a good christmas to you buddy! :]
  • fr4ggedfr4gged December 2007
    hey james,

    go eat a cupcake.... fatty
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